Engineering Principles and Practices with Vertical Integration

in Fall 2021

At Technical University of Sofia in Bulagria

“Super Duper Souvenir”

Twelve students from two programs at Technical University of Sofia (TU-Sofia), the English Language Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technologies, ranging from freshmen to seniors, are working in groups, with two groups presenting the prototypes of their designs on this website.

This project was inspired by Dr. Yan‘s Fulbright U.S. Scholar experience at TU-Sofia in Bulgaria in fall 2021. The most often asked question that Dr. Yan got while she was in Bulgaria was “What do you think of Bulgaria?” Similarly, Dr. Yan was wondering “What do you think of the U.S.A.?” Dr. Yan wanted to tell the stories of both Bulgaria and U.S.A. to everyone she knew who might come from either country or even from other countries. It would be a complicated task as one could imagine. So the students were asked to design a super duper souvenir that could tell the stories of both Bulgarian and American cultures in the most entertaining and interactive way.

Your candid, encouraging, and constructive comments and ratings on their designs will help the students appreciate their designs and find new ideas for improvement. Thank you for your time! When you click any image below, you will be taken to their product page with more information on that product prototype, and you can have the opportunity to comment on it (sent to the instructors only) and rate it (public on the website once approved).

We sincerely appreciate Mr. Neil Torda’s expertise and help in shaping this website!

Student Projects

Note that the “Price” of each product is the “Cost” of it.

  • The regular price is the cost of the prototype based on the retail price of each part.
  • The sale price is the estimated consumer cost when this product is in mass production.